I need to make a new news post. :P
So things are finally starting to fall into plan. CalcoA is at my house right now, and we're deciding a bunch of things for the final Pathway Through Newgrounds.
The name is simply going to be - Finale: PathwayThroughNG. It's pretty obvious why we're calling it that.
Our plan is to have the entire plot figured out by October 15th, and the storyboard and scripts to be done by Halloween. I'm going to start animating as soon as possible, because we have less than 7 months to finish the first half.
We've already come up with some pretty amazing ideas, and are hoping to feature many more celebrity guests. I've got a list here of about... 20 different series on Newgrounds that are going to be main features. We will be deciding a list of some smaller series that will only appear in short amounts of time.
Right now I'm saving up money so I can buy a new computer that will be able to export the flash. I'm probably going to be spending about $1000 just to make this flash, so you can see the dedication right there.
This really isn't about the money or the contests. We just want to show Newgrounds that we DO have talent, and that we CAN create a successful series to be loved by many. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't win anything. :P
So yeah, we've decided quite a few things and gave out some great ideas, that will hopefully make your jaw drop. CalcoA is looking into buying a tablet to make things easier on him for animating.
We're thinking about filling up a wall with a huge storyboard, so we can checks things off that have been finished, and decide who does which parts.
Now, I won't be doing as many updates as I did for Madness Day. I'll probably give you an update every month about how things are coming along.
Once again: Both parts will be around 15 minutes long to create a half-hour epic. Next update will probably be on Halloween. Thanks for reading!
good luck =]
Thanks. lol