Well, for everyone who actually watched Madness: Pathway Through Newgrounds, I'm sure you've noticed the "to be concluded" at the end.
I know most people probably hate me for that, but here's the good news:
The 3rd Pathway Through Newgrounds will be 30 minutes in length (possibly more). It will be cut into two parts. The first part will be submitted Pico Day, 2008, and the second part will be submitted Madness Day, 2008.
We already have many, MANY ideas planned. This time, calcoA will be doing much more than just 10 seconds of animation. This one will probably be equal amounts of animation between the two of us.
So the parts will probably be 15 minutes each. Cut right down the middle.
Any suggestions on what you would like to see in it would be great. =D
I beleive that you shouldn't say "Ok, 30 min movie k"
You should make a storyboard if you want to make it that long though. And from the storyboard you can see how long or short it will be
Of course the story board doesn't have to be fancy :p
swiftstylerX (Updated )
Nah, I know it will be 30 minutes. We're going to just keep adding more and more until it hits that length.
Plus, I DO make storyboards, just for individual scenes though, not one for the entire movie.