I'm back with another update!
I don't have very much to say this time around. I still haven't gotten any voices for Tankmen from Michael Swain.
It is the 6th right now, so I have 16 days to finish, think I can do it? I think I can. I will be finishing the Blockhead scene this weekend. No excuses this time, I HAVE to finish.
I'll start gathering Tankmen graphics throughout all of next week (character designs, backgrounds, etc.) and if Swain gets me the voices, I should have them all ready in an .fla so I can start animating.
Animation for Tankmen will start next Friday (once again, if I have the voices) and it should only take the weekend to finish it.
Then throughout that week, I will finish the last of the extras, the menu, and the scene select.
That's about everything. Check out the Progress Bar, and maybe the Foamy scene will surprise you. (The progress bar is a blatant ripoff of Adam Phillips Woodenblog)
It's almost like you're subscribed to me or somethin'. =\