Newgrounds Sketchbook Tour
I have 4 days to mail in my Newgrounds Sketchbook Tour page, and I still have yet to start on it. I totally forgot about it, and just realized today that I have barely any time left. What I need from you guys is some cool ideas of what I should do with it. Right now, I have nothing. I may not even use your ideas, but it'd be great to hear some of them.
The Dark Knight Collab
I have started up a new collab, based on the greatest superhero of all time, Batman. The collab does not have to revolve around The Dark Knight at all, but anything to do with Batman. Actually, I would PREFER if no one else would use the Joker or Two Face, because there's already a few members using them.
It's a serious collab, and comedy is not allowed, unless it's actually Batman humour. No parodies of Batman, and no making fun of any of it's characters. Something that would ACTUALLY occur in the movies or the shows is welcome.
I'm pretty sure there's over 20 members, and it's just starting to take off. I would really like it if more experienced people would join, however. So, if you love Batman, join the Dark Knight collab!
Link to the collab: 0435
Finale: Pathway Through Newgrounds
Sorry guys, but I haven't really worked on it very much, lately. All of my attention has been on the Dark Knight collab, so I haven't had much time to actually sit down and animate something for it.
However, I did send my script to JohnnyUtah so he can do the voices for the TANKMEN skit, which is going to be awesome. Since TANKMEN is a pretty simple style, I could animate that scene within just a few days, so I WILL have an update next time I makes a news post, if JohnnyUtah sends the voices by then.
So once again, I have no screenshots or short clips to give. But expect a lot to come in the next few months.
Im really confused about what you are looking for in the collab.
"It's a serious collab, and comedy is not allowed" then you say "Just normal humour would work, such as the Joker doing something funny or something to that extent."
Well wtf? I think you really need to clarify exactly what you are looking for because it sure as hell is confusing the shit out of me
swiftstylerX (Updated )
I mean no parodies, and nothing making fun of the characters in Batman. Things that would actually happen in the movies or on the show are allowed. I'll edit the post.